Beer Drinking and Diet You Must Be Kidding!

Released on = March 2, 2007, 6:42 am

Press Release Author = Beer Drinker\'s Diet

Industry = Consumer Services

Press Release Summary = The Beer Drinker\'s Diet book, published by\'s
Booksurge, is
gaining followers devoted to the author\'s methods of losing weight while
responsibly enjoying alcoholic beverages.

Press Release Body = FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 2, 2007

After losing 114 pounds of fat himself, the author of The Beer Drinkers Diet
passionately inspires countless others to lose weight as well!

Well, don't rush to judgment about this title quite yet! This book isn't really
about drinking; it is a book that is passionately and genuinely trying to bring
health to a segment of society that is often overlooked. Hence the catchy title
which, more or less, serves as a metaphor. The author enjoys some beers-like most of
the world-hence the title of the book, The Beer Drinkers "Diet!" In fact, critics
are calling The Beer Drinkers Diet the most original and inspiring new weight-loss
book available-this is a very good thing in the oversaturated world of diet books.
If we told you that the author lost 114 pounds of fat and drinks beer every week,
would you believe it?

The premise of the book is quite simple: drinking alcoholic beverages is a pastime
enjoyed by countless millions of people worldwide. It is part of many people's
lifestyle, and seems to be the staple of entertainment at literally any social
function. While many people totally abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages, most
people generally drink regularly. In fact, a 2006 survey by Harris Interactiveź
states that 86% of Americans responsibly drink alcoholic beverages-that's 176
million Americans! In fact, many other countries actually drink more per capita!
With this in mind, if we were to tell people to cut out the "drinking" as part of a
weight-loss regimen, they would probably tell us where to shove it!

An excerpt from the book helps set the author's inspiring message: "The one thing
that really aroused my interest on the somewhat controversial subject of 'drinking
and dieting,' is when I recently overheard a conversation by the guy sitting next to
me in the adjoining barber's chair, while we were getting our hair cut. His
heartfelt pleas rang out loud and brutally clear as he solemnly confided, 'My doctor
ordered me to lose 20 pounds, and the book that I just read said that I absolutely
must forego all consumption of alcoholic beverages for at least sixty days.' He was
extremely distraught and highly agitated by this premise. I could have intervened
in an attempt to set him straight-via the fact that I had just lost 114 pounds, and
I drink beer every weekend-but I chose to mind my own business, as his sentiments
probably echo the sentiments of society as a whole. This was good research! Seeing
the agony on his face when dealt with the notion of giving up his favorite social
vice-because he is an avid Lake Erie yachtsman-made it clearer than ever that this
skewed hypothesis is simply not the answer. If people mentally suffer, via a
displaced vice, they are more apt to fall off of their weight-loss program due to
frustration and misery, and go right back to where they were before. People need to
know that the responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages-for most people-is a
perfectly acceptable endeavor to engage in while trying to lose weight."

The book truly explains things in a unique and compelling way. Dublin, Ohio's Robert
Geiger, who lost 54 pounds with this book, stated: "Everything is explained in such
a simple manner, my eight-year-old could understand it, Cailor didn\'t reinvent
dieting, he simply revolutionized how to explain it in such a simplistic way!\" It
seems clear the true brilliance of this book may be in the layman's way the material
is conveyed to the reader! The "one regular person to another" point of view really
seems to have great merit because the author has truly "walked the walk" as the
result of his real-life 114-pound weight loss!

The book, in fact, has been featured on Fox's popular Fox & Friends morning
television talk show, is part of NBC TV's "San Antonio weight-loss challenge," it
has been featured on NBC news and CBS news as well as Brazil's SBT National
television network. Cailor has also been on over 75 radio interviews to date.

Log onto for more information or contact the author
at The Beer Drinker's "Diet" is available for sale
online at

About the Author: Bradley Scott Cailor was a long-time personal trainer and health
instructor, coach and president of Kent State University\'s weightlifting and
exercise club. A onetime powerlifter with a degree in health education, and
post-graduate work in the health field, he lives with his wife and pets outside of
Columbus, Ohio.

Web Site =

Contact Details = Brad Cailor
9362 Brock Rd
Plain City , 43064


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